The official theme for MWC 2023 was “Velocity” which resonated well with the Moflix team. Because even though the telco industry is notoriously slow to change, there seems to be hope on the horizon for Operators daring to do things differently.
And we've seen that velocity in action when our customers take that message of “rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed” to heart and go all-in on all digital to become cloud-native Telco operators in record time.
For us, the theme of MWC could also be “Validation.” We have been talking a lot this past year about ways to disrupt the Telco industry in our “Digital Disruption Series” and we have walked our talk by bringing new innovations to market with our customers. So while at this event, being part of the buzz, hearing validating feedback from top analysts, and seeing the key breakout topics from the event align with the brave new digital world we are talking about is rewarding and a solid confirmation that we are moving in the right direction.
Here are just a few of the things we have noticed that have moved forward in the industry since last year:
🌩 Telcos Finally Ready to Embrace Cloud Native:
It was only a few years ago when there seemed to be trepidation and fears about moving to the cloud. Now it appears to be a common consensus that the cloud is the future for Telcos... but that just moving to the cloud is not the same as being cloud native.
The AWS Village had a wealth of panel discussions, demos, information, and case studies that opened the eyes of many visitors to the possibilities and benefits cloud-native brings.
eSIM awareness seems to have finally reached critical mass. However, many Operators are still not getting the user experience right with clumsy onboarding and execution.
But the good news is that there are a growing number of Sub-brands and MVNOs who are leading by example and getting it right. (We highlight a few of these pioneers in our “All Digital Club” )
🤩 Operators Starting to Prioritize the Importance of Getting the Digital Customer Experience Right
This isn’t a new topic, but seeing it called out across so many booths as a priority is putting the focus back on bringing the best practices from other industries that are doing digital well back into the telecom industry.
There were many other things we loved and were invigorated talking about with the many MNOs and MNVOs we met at MWC. Overall, it was fantastic to see the event come back in full swing (almost 90K visitors!) and get the personal connection from face-to-face meetings and interactions that you just cannot get remote. Looking forward to more Velocity coming in 2023.